The hill behind the railway line and up to Donny's Farm
was awash with Blaeberry Plants, and when they were ripe for picking, lots of
Gibby folk would be up there picking, Blaeberry Jam was brilliant, we couldn't
afford to buy jam, so mother would make, Blaeberry, Bramble, and when we could
Raspberry Jam
" Right son, go and get me something to make jam, and if
you cross that railway line, you will feel the back of my hand " now having had
a few back hander's, crossing the railway line was not even considered, also,
she could time the time I left, till the time I appeared on the hill behind 20
Poplar St., so it wasn't worth taking a chance, so I would have to walk up over
High Poplar, down to the Co-oP, then up the Glen, then across to behind 20
Poplar St., took us ages to fill jars, bottles and anything else we could use,
blue bells were a must to pick for mother while we were there,
Loaded with my spoils for mother, to put myself high on
her good books, I would retrace my steps home, NOW !!! mugging wasn't a known
word then, but....we were lucky to get home with-out at least one encounter,
from a couple of Gorilla's who lived on High Poplar St. and if they spotted me,
all hell broke loose, I had two choices, defend my spoils at all costs or get
one of mother's back-hander...No Contest, I was really lucky to have a couple of
mates who were never far from my side, yes !! life was rough up the Gibby, we
had just had a rough time with the bombs etc, fruit picking and getting them
home safe for mother was nothing
Did you ever buy a penny, s worth of stale buns out of the co op down near the glen.sometimes I was lucky and got an iced bun amongst them.We would share them in the swing park next to shop